But Then Joss Got High
by Liz Marie

(Mixed voices in the background, Joss comes out with some kind of cigarette while the cast looks on)
Spike: (whispering) It's like, he doesn't care about anything, man.
Dru: (holds onto Miss Edith, cowering) He frightens my dollies.
Willow: (turns to Xander) Me too, Dru. How about you, Xander?
Xander: I was going to turn out gay, until Joss got high....
I was supposed to be suave and debonair, but then Joss got high...
My taste in clothes still sucks, and I know why....
Everyone: Why?
Xander: Cause Joss got high, Cause Joss got high, Cause Joss got high... la da da da da da da

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